Delivery of Products: We attempt to process every order and ship within 24 hrs. Exact shipping time depends on the availability of certain products and will be communicated during the process of ordering. Depending on the shipping address within India, post ordering, it should take 5-7 days overall to get products delivered. In some rare cases, due to delivery address accessibility issues, it may take longer to receive the shipment.
Shipping outside India: We do not deliver products outside India. You can place an order on our website from anywhere in the world; however please ensure that the delivery address is within India.
Shipping Charges: Shipping charges will be added to the final amount during checkout based on the products ordered.
Packaging: We pack your shipment in good condition to safeguards quality and prevent any damages to the items
Cancellation: If the order is cancelled, lost or un-delivered to your preferred location, we will refund the complete order amount including shipping charges. If you cancel part of the order, shipping charges will not be refunded.